5 Vegetarian Barbecue Recipes

Grilled Tofu

Ingredients: for two portions

1 Package of natural tofu
Mix for coating:
1 Tbsp. of maple syrup
1 Tbsp. of oil
½ Tbsp. smoked pepper
½ Tbsp. sweet pepper
½ Tbsp. garlic powder
½ Tbsp. ground cumin
½ Tbsp. oregano
Freshly ground pepper
Chili powder
BBQ sauce
Red onion

Mix the maple syrup with oil and all the seasonings into a paste. Halve the tofu sideways and halve these halves again. You will be left with four slices to be nicely covered in the paste, and let it marinate, ideally overnight. Then grill it from both sides and once it’s done, add some barbecue sauce and decorate with slices of red onion.

Hawaiian Grilled Packet

Ingredients: for two portions

1 Herb tofu
1 Red pepper
1 Spring onion
1 Large garlic clove
½ Zucchini
Soy sauce
BBQ sauce
Chili pepper
Olive oil

Remove the pepper seeds, wash and peel the vegetables, and cube them into similarly-sized pieces. Add the cubed tofu, slices of garlic and onion rings. Add some soy and barbecue sauce. Place two layers of aluminum foil (for two portions) on a kitchen desk and divide the mix on it. Shape the foil into packets and squeeze them shut.
Grill the packets for around fifteen minutes.

Grilled Pepper Boats with Blue Cheese Filling


Colorful baby peppers
3.5 oz. / 100 g. soft blue cheese
2 Tbsp. of white yogurt
2 Tbsp. of whipped cream
Fresh thyme
Olive oil

Wash the peppers, halve them and remove the seeds. Spread olive oil across the surface and grill them from both sides. Grate the cheese into small thin strips and mix it with the yogurt, whipped cream and thyme. Add salt if necessary. Stuff the peppers with it and serve.

Grilled Eggplant with Caprese Salad


1 Eggplant
Olive oil
Freshly ground pepper
Cherry tomatoes
Fresh basil
Balsamic vinegar

Cut the eggplant sideways into max 0.4 in. / 1 cm. thick slices. Add salt and let it dry out a little. Dry it off with a napkin and drizzle oil on top, then add salt and pepper and grill it. Take it out to serve and add cherry tomatoes, mozzarella and basil, and drizzle a little balsamic vinegar on top.

Grilled Pineapple Rings with Honey and Cinnamon

1 pineapple
1 tbsp. honey
1 tsp. butter or ghee
1 tsp. high quality cognac
Pinch of ground cinnamon

Peel the pineapple, wash it and let it dry. Cut it into slices about half-an-inch wide (1,5 centimeters). Cut out the hard core of each slice.

Melt butter on a pan and add a tablespoon of honey to it. Put the pan off heat, add a pinch of ground cinnamon to the butter-honey mixture and stir. Spread the resulting mixture on all the prepared pineapple rings. If you like, you can now drip a bit of cognac on them as well. Leave the pineapple rings lie still for an hour.

Then heat up the grill. Spread out the pineapple rings on the grill so that they don’t touch. Grill for five minutes on each side and you’re done. For decoration, you can add fresh honey and cinnamon, or arrange lemon balm leaves neatly around the rings.

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